February 25, 2021
Curious if you’ve been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in the air? Our FreshAir clip is being out being used at Yale New Haven Hospital to see if people are exposed to airborne virus. We are expanding monitoring outside the hospital. Contact [email protected] to take part.
Curious if you’ve been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in the air? Our FreshAir clip is being out being used at Yale New Haven Hospital to see if people are exposed to airborne virus. We are expanding monitoring outside the hospital. Contact [email protected] to take part.
February 10, 2021
Our paper on exposomic sensors is out in Current Environmental Health Reports! Congrats to Dr. Jeremy Koelmel and Elizabeth Lin. We are looking forward to more collaborative work with Brett Doherty and Megan Romano at Dartmouth!
Our paper on exposomic sensors is out in Current Environmental Health Reports! Congrats to Dr. Jeremy Koelmel and Elizabeth Lin. We are looking forward to more collaborative work with Brett Doherty and Megan Romano at Dartmouth!
January 1, 2021
Dong and Krystal are kicking off the year as guest editors of a special issue in JoVE Methods on methods for measuring oxidative potential! Please contact us if you are interest in submitting a video/paper.
Dong and Krystal are kicking off the year as guest editors of a special issue in JoVE Methods on methods for measuring oxidative potential! Please contact us if you are interest in submitting a video/paper.
September 10, 2020
Ventilation and filtration are key risk reduction strategies. Elizabeth has put together a flow chart to guide you through some options for different types of indoor spaces. Wonderful to see it also published in the Washington Post.
Ventilation and filtration are key risk reduction strategies. Elizabeth has put together a flow chart to guide you through some options for different types of indoor spaces. Wonderful to see it also published in the Washington Post.
September 9, 2020
We've been visiting K-12 schools across CT providing risk reduction guidance on COVID-19. Thank you Elizabeth for travelling across the state this summer to help make this spaces safer for students and teachers!
We've been visiting K-12 schools across CT providing risk reduction guidance on COVID-19. Thank you Elizabeth for travelling across the state this summer to help make this spaces safer for students and teachers!
August 1, 2020
Any decision to reopen schools during COVID-19 should only be made after careful consideration of the benefits, risks and precautions necessary to keep children, families, teachers and staff safe. Check out the guidance material we've prepared for specific school spaces at http://bit.ly/SchoolsGuidance2020
Any decision to reopen schools during COVID-19 should only be made after careful consideration of the benefits, risks and precautions necessary to keep children, families, teachers and staff safe. Check out the guidance material we've prepared for specific school spaces at http://bit.ly/SchoolsGuidance2020
May 21, 2020
Our review paper on PM oxidative potential discussing chemical determinants, associated health effects, and strategies for air pollution risk management is out! Congrats to Dr. Dong Gao for leading this work together with Scott Weichenthal' s group at McGill.
Our review paper on PM oxidative potential discussing chemical determinants, associated health effects, and strategies for air pollution risk management is out! Congrats to Dr. Dong Gao for leading this work together with Scott Weichenthal' s group at McGill.
May 1, 2020
Our FreshAir wristband was featured in TheScientist! Check out the article here.
Our FreshAir wristband was featured in TheScientist! Check out the article here.
March 20, 2020
Congratulations to Allison Su on winning the Mensing Award Excellence in the Physical Sciences at the Connecticut Science and Engineering Fair! Allison joined our team as junior at Amity Region High School in Woodbridge, CT. As part of the Amity Science Research Program she worked with Sarah Esenther exploring nitrogen dioxide levels in Springfield, MA. Well done, Allison!
Congratulations to Allison Su on winning the Mensing Award Excellence in the Physical Sciences at the Connecticut Science and Engineering Fair! Allison joined our team as junior at Amity Region High School in Woodbridge, CT. As part of the Amity Science Research Program she worked with Sarah Esenther exploring nitrogen dioxide levels in Springfield, MA. Well done, Allison!
August 28, 2019
Pollitt Lab at the ISES-ISEE 2018 Joint Meeting in Ottawa, Canada. Well done Elizabeth and Sarah on your excellent conference presentations!
Pollitt Lab at the ISES-ISEE 2018 Joint Meeting in Ottawa, Canada. Well done Elizabeth and Sarah on your excellent conference presentations!